Is It Bad To Go In The Swimming When You Have Open Wound On Your Armpit
It's true that public pools are not always properly cared for chemically. However, if you let the fear that you might spread your germs from HS get out of control, you will not be able to wash your laundry with the rest of your family, possibly not be able to even use the same bathroom, towels, etc. Yes, we carry staph and strep. But realistically, who is touching your clothes, underwear, etc? The majority of viruses are dead the moment they hit the air or water. Still, there are people who have HIV, hep B, hep C, and any number of blood borne pathogens that get in public/hotel pools. But people still get in the pool. š My concern for anyone who has HS is more about what could get into an open wound and cause further damage to our bodies. HS is not contagious. I've had this since puberty and not one time has my HS made anyone else sick or caused them to get an infection. Unlike Baz, I don't know how to post information on here. But, I advise folks to do their own research. I'm more concerned about someone giving me an infection than I am about giving them one.
I've had HS for 41 years, I've never ever worried about swimming. I've swam in pools, lakes, creeks, rivers and the ocean. With open wounds. Never had a problem at all ever. Salt water helped it so much. Chlorine helps it as well. We had a pool for 3 years in FL, plus the beach every week and I rarely had a flare up. Get back to IN and it seems I have flares every week again. š
Hello Cynthia. I would definitely not go in a swimming pool not even with a paper cut. People urinate in the pool, blow their nose in there, have feces remaining on their bottoms and for me all of the chlorine they add to the water would not kill those germs. Be safe, use only clean water.
It's absolutely not disgusting. No person who has HS is disgusting or contagious to others. Pool water is chlorinated and completely safe for a person with HS to swim in. I had a pool in my backyard for over 30 years and was actually told by my doctor that it might help my HS. Other people swam in my pool and no one ever caught anything because of my HS. I wouldn't advise rivers, lakes, or ocean water because it's contaminated and could cause an infection. However, getting in a hot tub or swimming pool is completely safe for the person who has HS and everyone else. The water is chemically treated regularly. No one here is contagious or disgusting in any way. š¤
Darrell, I am sure your brother didn't get it from you. It is hereditary though. I have it, as did my Dad and his Mom. So it does run in families. If you could catch it from someone, my husband would have picked it up a long time ago. We have been together over 40 yrs, and I have also had HS since before he met me. We have had a pretty healthy sex life, and my HS has only been in my groin. He's been right there in that area alot of's in the genes......I am fortunate to have found my's sugar and carbs (which turn into sugar when your body processes them) I tried the keto diet and my HS went away. It's been that way since last fall. Carbs can be hard to give up completely though, so I have the odd small flare when I have some! Hope you and your brother get some relief!!! Hugs
How Bad Is To Have A Open Wound On Your Armpit
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