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2138 questions

Are You Frustrated With Finding Effective Treatments For HS?

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭
A myHSteam Member


posted August 21

I'm Thinking About You

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭

Well not a question but this goes out to all of you my HS family I just wanted you all to know I do think about each and everyone of you and wish I could perform miracles and cure each one of you but we all know I can't do that but I can send all of you a big ole fat and very meaningful Hug so hang in there all of you and we shall see what tomorrow will bring ( love you all)

A myHSteam Member

Trina......I wonder if you wear gloves with the fingers cut out if that would help protect your hands??

posted November 24, 2023

Let's All Come Together On How We Can Have A Major Campain Against HS Nation Wide

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭

This app has really inspired me and wanting to do more and getting the word out and more people will not have to deal with this disease alone, and more Dr.s. will need / want to learn more about it so they will be forced to help us with a cure or a way to make us more comfortable and for us to deal with this evil disease. Let's discuss. Blessings

A myHSteam Member

Sign me up friend

posted May 15

What's One Misconception Would You Like To Talk With Everyone About Having HS?

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭

Some people believe that HS is contagious skin disease or think it's some form of STD , so what information would you like to give to people about HS and about living with HS?

A myHSteam Member

That it is due to uncleanness. I believe that is the reason it has been covered up for so long. People on here have had this thing for 40 years.

posted February 23

Anybody Else Not Overweight?

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭

I was diagnosed with a severe case of HS last week. I’m on oral doxycycline, topical clindamycin, and an acne wash. However I’m not and never have been a smoker or overweight. I’ve actually spent most of my adult years underweight from an eating disorder. I’m doing better now with the ED as I’ve just had a baby in September. I’m wondeting if the HS onset could be caused by hormonal birth control. I have the kyleena IUD

A myHSteam Member

I'm not

posted May 9

Have You Identified Any Food Triggers That Worsen HS Symptoms?

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭
A myHSteam Member

Dairy is also a trigger for me. I never thought nightshades could be, but I am going to test that out.

posted 2 days ago

What Is A Good Diet For HS

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭

I'm starting to notate everything I'm eating daily. I eat Ice cream year round. I eat Bread, almost all vegetables, a lot of different fruit, Seafood, Chicken, Beef, and Turkey. No Pork. I drink Cold Drinks sometimes. What's a good diet for HS? Am I doing ok with listing what I'm eating? Where to get a Nutritionist?

A myHSteam Member

A good diet for managing Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) can include the following elements:

- Mediterranean Diet: Focuses on fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. These foods are high in nutrients… read more

posted July 16
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Learn how to feel better with HS through diet Read more >

What HS Symptoms Keep You Up At Night?

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭
A myHSteam Member

Boils on my arm

posted April 29

The Smell Lol…something That’s Actually Working!

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭

Hello everyone! We know HS smells lol. I’ve found you are what you eat! Going plant base has helped tremendously with my smell, but recently I couldn’t shake the pungent smell. My friend told me about chlorophyll internal deodorizer and it works! I took it last night and this morning and I don’t smell lol! Maybe should try it? Got it from vitamin shop and it’s on Amazon too!

A myHSteam Member

Thanks for sending me a hug, here's a hug to you in return.

posted January 4

Not A Question Just Letting Go

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭

I really don't know why I'm even posting this I guess I'm just comfortable here on this site I consider y'all my friends. Well here we go a little while back I had to spend a couple of months in jail it was due to a DWI I had gotten yes I know I'm a bad person for that. I just read a article about white lie's that's what made me think of this. While in there I told some of these little lies to other inmates I was trying to hide the fact that I have HS I didn't feel they would understand well… read more

A myHSteam Member
posted March 22, 2023
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