At What Point Do You Go To A Doctor And Ask For A Boil To Be Removed Rather Than Just Put Up With It Till It Bursts By Itself?
When the pain is too intense and you don’t feel well.
I pop a hot as I can handle wet cloth on mine to draw them out. I was told not to use sudocream on them.
No just that it's to do with the scabbin. I do use it once it's stopped leaking to try and close the holes left x
I don't really know to be honest, but if the discomfort is too bad I think you ought to get someone to take a look at it. I use Sudocrem and this tends to help draw the boil out and dry it up. I also put dressings over to ease discomfort. Sorry wasn't much help x
When home remedies for reliefnare no longer effective
Does Anyone Have Boils Fill Up With Blood Rather Than Pus?
What Happens After Your Boil Pops? 🤔🤔 Does It Heal Itself, Disappears Or What? Still New To This.
Hi Anyone Tell Me Your Experience With Surgery? I Am Having Hard Time With This Blister Coming Again And Again In The Same Spot.