Recommended Body Care?
I have been dealing with HS for 10+ years. In the beginning, it used to come and go without much issue. Now, I feel like it's all I deal with. I started using dial spring water antibacterial bar soap and it's helping somewhat. I usually have it under both armpits. I haven't found a deodorant that doesn't make it worse. I've stopped shaving that area because I'm afraid of that also making it worse. I also have psoriasis so my skin is super sensitive. What body care items have you used that made a… read more
Bronners tea tree Hemp soap @krogers or target . Hibiclens at cvs or Walgreens this work's wonders cause it keep working after you use it i seen a outstanding difference in less then a week also i am going to try mama au a honey salave
Don't use Hibiclens too often, it's very drying. A few times a week is good. Make sure it's rinsed COMPLETELY! As for deodorants, you can try the deodorant from The Mama AU (her fiance has HS and she developed products for him). Her stuff can be found at
@A myHSteam Member how often should you clean with the hibiclens? I have done once yesterday and once today.
Try the antibiotic soap hibicleanse. That usually keeps down with breakouts. Also I use an aluminum free deodorant. I trim my underarms with clippers so I can monitor breakouts. Also watch your diet. I find when my sugar is high I have more frequent breakouts. Like no carbs meat and veggies. Good luck!
I Give you five days you will see a difference i know if i did you will
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