Does Anyone Suffer From HS On Their Face ?
Hey guys. Does anyone suffer from HS on their face. I have HS on other parts of my body however I’ve been experiencing huge cysts on my face that are very painful. Has anyone had a similar experience ? Been getting different responses so I just wanted to know how everyone’s else it dealing with it.
My son does. TERRIBLY. be very careful with that. Regular facial washes will do nothing for it. You need to attack the growing bacteria that is forming on the inside of the tunnels and tracks causing it to spread and smell. Clindamyacin is great for that..but BLEACH even better. Soak in it, or add it to body wash and clean every crack and crevice of your body ( except mucous membranes) including private parts with it. Wash your face with a minimal amount of the wash VERY gently on a wash cloth then rinse it off well...find a lightweight moisturizer to apply to unbroken areas on the face after. Do this ROUTINELY it works for all areas in your body. You will see remarkable change.
All over my face, not even touching them except when washing!
My HS actually started on my face and breasts when I was only 11/12 years old. The dermatologist had no idea what it was. He used some kind of injection directly into the cyst/boil and it would go away. I have no idea what the medication was he used. I used benzoyl peroxide on the lesions at night and washed my face in hibiclens. It eventually stopped coming on my face. I'm 46 years old now and the scars are pretty visible if I'm not wearing any makeup. Thank God for makeup! I have learned to cover almost anything with it.
Yes,, worst ones, are little whiteheads, under my eyes, {thebottom eyelid.》I usually have little ones, on my face, also, & hard to remove whiteheads. But, I think they go away more quick, because they are more noticeable, therefore I wash my face more often.
The eyelids, are more difficult to manage & heal.
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