Have Any Women Fou D Relief From HS After Going Through Menopause?
I have been doing research on a more permanent solution for my HS and found articles saying that the flare-ups stop after you go through menopause. I am going to ask my doctor about getting a hysterectomy for this reason as I am almost 40 and do not want children. I am wondering if anyone else has had success with this? I tried hormonal birth control and it has been a nightmare. Almost a constant period and repeat flare-ups that I did not have before trying the birth control.
Hi Trina. I'm 73 now and I finished Menopause years ago. At age 71, I developed HS. We don't know what we are dealing with.
Unfortunately, HS flares worsened after menopause. I have had HS for 37 years & the past 3 yrs have been the worst with more frequent flares as well as multiple flares simultaneously... Absolutely horrendous!
Mary I wish that was true but for me that wasn't the case. I was menopausal early 40's and I'm now 59 and now having symptoms in places I never had before and it's in my groin area. I had them only in my armpits then under my breast and now in my vajaja! Didn't know about perinal ( sorry can't spell the word) hidradenitis but I learned it here on HS and going to show it to my doctor.
I actually went through menopause at 40 and still have flare ups. Recently I developed these weird bumps on my breasts and my doctor thought it might be a cyst but it never had pus or went a way so he sent me to a dermatologist and as soon as she saw them she immediately knew it was part of my HS. My doctor and I were surprised because we didn't know it could be on the breast. I always was told you get them in the groin area and underarm and behind the neck so I'm continuing to learn new things and this support group has been a God send for information and meeting like minded sufferers.
It doesn't get better! I was 40 when I went through the change and it didn't get better, still had flare ups often and worse because of the hot flashes etc it exasperated the situation same issue when you sweat but now add hot flashes so really reconsider the surgery. Nothing is going to make H.S. disappear. Sometimes you have good days and then you have flare ups it's what it is.
I’ve Had HS Since I Was 16, I’m 57 Now. Doctors Insist It Disappears After Menopause. 5 Years Post Menopause And Still No Letup! Anyone???
Hormonal Treatment
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