Memory Issues
Hi everyone my hs is really bad just now, does anyone have memory issues when they have flare ups?
I also have lupus and that is the biggest reason for the memory loss. I have both discoid and SLE lupus. It's like, anything I can use to treat the HS causes problems with the lupus, and what can be used to treat the lupus causes problems with the HS! 🙄 The only thing I have found that helps both is prednisone. But it's causing considerable weight gain. I lost over 100 pounds so weight gain, for me, is devastating. Still, no one is looking at me anymore. The man I was with for twelve years bailed when my HS and lupus spun out of control. I had a surgery that went horribly wrong and a doctor that gave me bactrim. Bactrim is something a person with lupus should not take. Relationships!? Who could possibly understand what HS is and what it does to your body other than someone who is also suffering from it? My HS came back in my groin with a vengeance after I had a wide excision surgery. My surgical incisions had not even completely healed before it came back. Now I don't have enough skin left to treat. The boils come through the scar tissue and, OMG! It's even more painful.
It is horrible 😢 I hate it. Haven't even dated in 11 years. Is it normal to feel terrible right before a breakout? Sounds like I'm talking about herpes. I have surgery to remove glands and hav 10" of scar on both legs. It came back within 6 months of surgery.
Yes, I always have memory issues. I'm just learning about this hs stuff. I have had it since 2000. Didn't know all the problems that go with it. I've recently in the past year gotten a lupus diagnosis and am wondering if it's actually the HS.
I write myself notes and forget where I put them! 🙄 I've started sending myself emails. That has helped. I'm a house mouse and have been cooking for people as far back as I can remember. Now, I can't follow a recipe and multi task! I have to really concentrate on what I'm doing. It's degrading. I've always been able to cook, clean, and talk to someone at the same time. Now, I'm just not able to remember the steps. I forget what I'm doing, why I need to go somewhere, etc. But, I know it's not my fault. Be open and honest. Tell people that you have a health issue. You'd be surprised how understanding people can be if they are aware.
Hs is horrible! I've only recently been diagnosed (2-3years) still finding stiff ouy
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