Has Anyone Seen Any Skin Changes By Adding Raisins Into Their Diet?
I recently discovered that my mom had boils when she was younger and to some extent have them yet. She is almost 80 years old. Back then her parents were really poor and they just didn't go to a doctor unless it was life threatening. Her Grandmother also suffered from boils and when she discovered that my mom had them she would make my mom eat raisins. Apparently she said "raisins purify the blood". Her boils went away for the most part. Fast forward to me and I was born with boils and Iā¦ read more
I think I'm going to try raisins?? Certainly can't hurt, other than the sugar in them???
Wow that good to hear......you always hear what you can't have!! I started eating raisins, will have to get some walnuts.....I also use Stevia not sugar! I wish it was easy to lose weight...lol
After reading her article and searching Google, I started eating Raisins. I bake cookies with Stevia, Raisins and Walnuts in them. Walnuts are good too for HS.
Since reading your post, I have added Raisins to my diet because of the Anti inflammatory properties. You spoke about your Grandmother eating them but back in the day, your 80 year old Grandmother would remember that on open sores, Sulfur and Lord was mixed and applied and they would heal rapidly.
I'm willing to try ANYTHING at this point! I'm surely getting some raisins tomorrow! š
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