Many people living with hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), an inflammatory skin or dermatology condition, consider making dietary changes, such as taking supplements, to help manage their symptoms.
No specific supplements or diets have been proven to cure HS, also known as acne inversa. However, some evidence suggests that vitamin deficiencies may be linked to HS, and getting more of certain nutrients could help relieve symptoms. Keep reading to learn about the role of vitamins and supplements, such as vitamin D, zinc, and turmeric, in HS.
Vitamin D is known to reduce inflammation and boost the immune system. It also plays a key role in maintaining the balance of growth and death of skin cells, especially in hair follicles.
One way to get vitamin D is through a healthy diet. Some foods are naturally high in vitamin D, while others are fortified, meaning nutrients are added to them. Good food sources of vitamin D include:
However, if your vitamin D levels are low, your doctor may recommend vitamin D supplements. Studies show that vitamin D deficiency is common in people with HS.
This deficiency may be related to body function. One study suggested that low vitamin D levels in people with HS may be caused by problems in the way the body breaks down and uses vitamin D.
One small study found that 79 percent of people with HS and a vitamin D deficiency had fewer nodules when taking vitamin D supplementation. After six months, 20 percent of the participants reported fewer flare-ups.
Some myHSteam members have reported positive results from taking vitamin D. One member shared, “I had my vitamin D levels tested and they were in the ‘severe deficiency’ range. I’ve been taking supplements ever since to get my levels up, but I haven’t been very consistent lately. My next flare-up happened a few months ago but seemed to clear up quite quickly once I started taking my vitamin D every day again.”
Another study found that 50 percent of people with HS who stopped taking vitamin D supplements experienced worsening symptoms after a period of improvement. This finding suggests that vitamin D plays a role in preventing flare-ups rather than improving existing symptoms, but more research is needed.
If you’re considering taking supplements, make sure to check with your doctor first. They can test your levels and recommend the right dose. Taking too much vitamin D — also known as vitamin D toxicity — can cause serious side effects.
Vitamin E is a nutrient with strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps protect cells and may prevent some chronic (ongoing) diseases. Because HS is driven by chronic inflammation, especially around hair follicles and sweat glands, vitamin E could potentially help reduce some symptoms and discomfort. However, there isn’t a lot of research to prove this.
Although studies specifically on vitamin E for HS are limited, research shows that people with skin conditions like vitiligo, atopic dermatitis, and acne have lower levels of vitamin E than people without skin conditions.
If you think your vitamin E levels are low, talk to your doctor. You can try to eat more vitamin E-rich foods, such as almonds, sunflower seeds, and peanut butter. If you’re considering vitamin E supplements, check with your doctor to make sure they’re safe for you. They can give you recommendations on how much to take.
Some people use vitamin E on the skin to improve moisturization. However, if you have oily skin from sweat buildup, vitamin E may not help much. There’s also no evidence that vitamin E can improve the appearance of scars, which can happen with HS.
Always talk to your doctor before applying a new product to your skin. Vitamin E can cause irritation or allergic reactions in some people.
The body needs only small amounts of zinc. Even so, zinc plays an important role in the body, supporting the immune system and making DNA and proteins.
Researchers have found that people with HS are more likely to have low zinc levels compared to people without the skin condition. Zinc supplements, which are usually available as pills, may help manage HS symptoms. Many studies show that participants with HS noticed improvement in their skin lesions and other symptoms after taking zinc supplements.
In a 2020 study, participants who took zinc supplements saw a big drop in the number and length of flare-ups, as well as less pain. These participants also had longer periods without any symptoms.
Members of myHSteam have shared different experiences with zinc supplementation. One member said, “I use zinc tablets. It helps a lot for me.” Another had a different experience. “I haven’t seen an improvement,” they said. “But everyone’s body reacts differently, so it’s worth a try.”
You may be wondering, “How much zinc should I take for hidradenitis suppurativa?” The answer depends on your situation. Talk to your doctor, who can test your current zinc levels and suggest the right dose. Although zinc supplements are generally safe, taking too much can cause problems. Symptoms of zinc toxicity include nausea, vomiting, headaches, loss of appetite, and stomach pain. Mild stomach problems can also be a side effect, but they can be prevented by taking zinc with food.
Always check with your doctor before trying zinc for HS. It’s important to be careful when taking it alongside common HS medications like antibiotics, immunosuppressants, and retinoids. Health care providers can help you manage supplements and medications, making sure you have the best treatment with no harmful interactions.
Turmeric is a spice thought to have health benefits. It comes from the Curcuma longa plant, found mainly in India and Southern Asia. The health benefits come from curcumin, turmeric’s main active ingredient, which is available as a spice and in pill form.
Curcumin is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Although no studies have looked specifically at turmeric for HS, many studies since the 1970s have shown that it works well as an anti-inflammatory.
Many myHSteam members recommend using turmeric for HS. One member said, “Turmeric is great. I take it almost daily, except when I forget. It is very helpful to me!”
One issue with turmeric is that the body doesn’t absorb curcumin very well when taken by mouth. The body digests turmeric quickly, so there’s not much time for it to work. On the bright side, this means people are unlikely to experience side effects from eating too much turmeric. However, taking turmeric with black pepper can help your body absorb more curcumin.
Turmeric supplements are not recommended, because they can increase your risk of kidney stones. There are also no clear benefits to taking a supplement instead of eating turmeric in your meals. High amounts of turmeric can also interact with some medications used to treat HS, including pain relievers and immunosuppressive drugs like tacrolimus.
Omega-3 fatty acids are oils that are well known for their health benefits. Omega-3 fatty acids have shown great potential in reducing inflammation, which could help manage chronic inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis, acne, and HS.
Some myHSteam members have found omega-3 supplementation helpful. One member shared, “I had been taking fish oil for a while but stopped and noticed I got a flare-up a day or two later, so I think the fish oil helps.”
Research strongly suggests that the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 fatty acids might make them beneficial for chronic inflammatory diseases. However, there is no specific research on the use of omega-3 fatty acids for people with HS, so it’s not clear if or how these supplements might help.
You can find omega-3 fatty acids naturally in some foods. Good sources include:
Foods can also be fortified with omega-3 fatty acids. Examples include eggs, yogurt, juices, milk, and soy beverages.
Omega-3 supplements, sometimes called fish oil, are available in pill form. They can cause mild side effects, including:
It’s important to note that omega-3 supplements may interact with medications that affect the blood’s ability to clot. Also, people with seafood allergies should be careful, as it’s unclear whether they can take fish oil supplements safely.
Vitamin B12 is important for the development and function of the central nervous system. This nutrient is also needed to form DNA and healthy red blood cells. Vitamin B12 can also help with your brain function and boost your energy levels.
Foods like eggs, beef, salmon, and tuna are great sources of vitamin B12. Dairy products, like milk and yogurt, as well as fortified cereals, also provide vitamin B12.
You can find vitamin B12 as a dietary supplement or prescription medication. It comes in many forms, including injections, nasal sprays, and pills.
The evidence for using vitamin B12 in HS is not very strong, as there haven’t been any large studies. However, results from a few cases have been positive. Some studies suggest that vitamin B12 supplements may help with HS symptoms by reducing its inflammatory effects.
In one case, a person with HS was given vitamin B12 injections, despite having normal levels of vitamin B12. This vitamin B12 supplementation led to improved HS and fewer flare-ups. The person continued to respond to vitamin B12 therapy for more than three years, up to the writing of the report.
The body absorbs only as much vitamin B12 as it needs, and the rest is removed through urine, so it’s generally considered safe to take, even at higher doses. However, at very high doses, vitamin B12 can cause:
Before starting to take any vitamins or supplements, ask your dermatologist or another health care provider for trustworthy medical advice. Keep your doctor and pharmacist updated on all medications you take — including over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and supplements — to avoid potentially dangerous drug interactions.
Remember, changing your diet or taking over-the-counter supplementation is not a replacement for the treatment options prescribed by your doctor.
On myHSteam, the social network for people with hidradenitis suppurativa and their loved ones, more than 44,000 members come together to ask questions, give advice, and share their stories with others who understand life with HS.
Have you tried any of the vitamins mentioned in this article? What vitamins or supplements have you taken to help manage symptoms? Have you found any vitamins that help stop boils? Share your experience in the comments below, or start a conversation by posting on your Activities page.
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Is there a good multivitamin to give my 15 year old daughter that has some or all of these vitamins together? I want to make it easy for her to stay on a regimen.
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