How To Wash In Very Cold Rooms And During Hardship Of Freezing Temperatures, Frozen Water Pipes, No Electricity Etc.
I often get new HS if don’t bathe every day during severe winter cold spells. Determined to find a way to bathe to prevent. Was able to wash privates with a handheld bidet using just warm water and baby wipes and Vinegar Summers Eve. That held me two days along with baby wipes in between. Pipes are froze and I drew up some water. Still have electricity so warming it near me with coffee pot. A little afraid to use soap for fear I won’t be able to wash all the soap off. I absolutely must use water… read more
Merry Christmas to you too Bonbon and to everyone here. Yes. I am already a little more warm. Happy as a clam. I still have turkey and three Mexican restaurant dinners, chips, cookies, fruit, heat, water. Yea! The sky is a very pretty blue. Been watching the birds. Tomorrow night get to see another Dolly Parton special. Her Christmas one was killer this year and her director for it was from Mississippi.
If you have a gas BBQ you can boil water. Hot water is best for sure, but throughout a normal day I have to use a hot wet cloth on my HS....I have 2 spots that leak constantly and minimal, but I have to get rid of the itching when it leaks on my skin. I just use a facecloth and water. I think if you can do this even with cold water without soap, and make sure it's dry you will be ok. I am like you though....I have to shower at least once a day for my HS!
Merry Christmas, hope you warm up today!
Yes, and I can’t wait. Don’t think I could take two weeks of it like last year.
Last year we had snow and ice, too! At least hubby can get around in car. We have more health issues this year so is harder but we are doing fine. It’s gonna warm up and rain for days but that is ok. Hubby may get wet getting new pipe.
Wow Linda....I think I've heard the cold will let up tomorrow.....Hugs!!!
HS And UTI’s
Just Wanting Ideas On What Others Use For Flares?
Good Evening. Hi Lady's What Kind Of Soap You Used For Your Private Parts????