Let's All Come Together On How We Can Have A Major Campain Against HS Nation Wide
This app has really inspired me and wanting to do more and getting the word out and more people will not have to deal with this disease alone, and more Dr.s. will need / want to learn more about it so they will be forced to help us with a cure or a way to make us more comfortable and for us to deal with this evil disease. Let's discuss. Blessings
Yessss, I had a doctor tell me when I was in the ER room for my HS that this was Not an emergency……..I spoke up and said nicely “ it may not be to you , but it is to me. U are not understanding at how sick my body feels ! “
This doctor has a great understanding about HS now because of facts I gave & ask for that doc to do some reading & research on it and then to SHARE WITH OTHER DOCS
I think an ad campaign that mentions possible treatments or talks about ongoing research on national television might bring more awareness in a positive and impersonal way. It TV commercials can talk about erectile dysfunction then I think a tactful commercial for HS campaign might work. Plus maybe we could get pharmaceutical representatives to give educational pamphlets to doctors.
ER docs are usually trained for life threatening kind of emergencies. Otherwise they want you to go to an urgent care place. That said! They do not realize that the PAIN is life threatening! Because, HS lesions can be so painful that you don't care if you live or die as long as the pain stops! Sometimes the lesions don't appear that bad on the surface, but they don't seem to realize that they are deep into the skin. Something that might help, print out the information from this site, "What is HS" and take it with you when you go to an urgent care place or something. Mayo clinic, John's Hopkins, even the CDC has information that you can print! Then you don't have to try to explain! It's right there in black and white! 😉🤗
I've been cut from a**hole to appetite. 😞 But if we don't talk, there's never going to be the awareness you're looking for. I did not ask for this anymore than anyone else. I had to get over the humiliation and the shame, but I do talk about it. And, because I have the nerve to talk, I educate people and I'm able to help people. It's not easy and you don't have to show your own HS. It's on Google images. 😉 We have a medical condition, not something to be ashamed of! 🤗
Just went through a long drawn out ordeal 2 nights ago in my ER. with my HS. ……. Lord help these people to get educated….. or I’m really gonna snap….. they know me & should know the drill ……
Just Wanting Ideas On What Others Use For Flares?
Can You Use Hair Removal Cream Such As Nair And Beet With HS?
What Do You Wish Others Understood About Living With HS?