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How Long Does It Take For The Open Wound To Close Under Your Armpit

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭
San Jacinto, CA
April 23, 2023
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A myHSteam Member

😊 it all depends on what you mean by a wound this is me after surgery and they said that it could take up to 6 months for it to heal it was the last little bit that took the longest out of all and I was not in pain here and I didn’t even need the morphine that was prescribed to me 💪 😊

April 26, 2023
A myHSteam Member

I no longer have HS under my arms. That is something I am very grateful for! But I have stage 3/4 in my groin! Omg! The pain under my arms was candy in comparison. 😣 I've had some scarring and lesions in certain places for years and years. They will fill with a white, cottony stuff periodically that I have to squeeze out. It starts to itch and after I get the white stuff out, it goes away. Sometimes I get something that resembles a huge blackhead in an old scar and, again, once I get it out, I'm okay. HS is a strange disorder that affects each person differently and sometimes there's just no explanation for how it affects your body. Each of us knows our own body and we have to try to do our best with what we have! 😉

April 25, 2023
A myHSteam Member

Unfortunately, not all HS lesions ever really close. If they remain infected, they won't close. If antibiotics or something stops the infection, they leave a scar that resembles a fold,or wrinkle in the skin. How long it takes depends on whether you're able to stop the infection. Sorry I don't have a straight answer for you. 😏

April 24, 2023
A myHSteam Member
April 25, 2023
A myHSteam Member
April 25, 2023

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