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All My Groin Sufferers... How Do You Keep On Living? I Want To Die. I Think About Suicide EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY 😭

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭
Beavercreek, OR

I have had hs for 7 years (diagnosed 6 years ago but refuse to see another doctor or spread my legs to one) because I'm soooo fucking embarrassed I don't even want a doctor to look at me. I know after this many years they will judge me
My whole groin (outer vagina) looks like a rotting steak with maggot holes everywhere. I smell like rotting meat. My response to all of this is doing EVERYTHING and anything that makes it worse because I'm depressed to the point of unaliving myself. I… read more

April 24, 2023 (edited)
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A myHSteam Member

Girl I felt the same I'm still not 100% controlled but I finally found a dermatologist that put me on stelara & it's been night & day still have all the scars but flare up far few in-between it's so nice not to always stand up & pray your boil didn't seep out through the bandages & clothes.. & everyone is seeing a pushy red blotch on your bum!! It's so embarrassing I wouldn't leave the house & also you get shitter docs who don't really give a fuck just want the money & next patient you know but thank goodness I found a doc with a heart of gold & fought my insurance to pay for stelara treatment.. there is medicine out there to help girl don't give up my situation suck cuz now my 26 yrs daughter has stage 3 way worse then me & no health insurance so she is now struggling & it kills me to see her struggle 💔

May 16, 2023
A myHSteam Member

Girl, I felt this. I feel the exact same way & no one in my life gets it.

May 8, 2023
A myHSteam Member

Question what kind of antibiotics ointment did your doctor prescribed?

May 1, 2023
A myHSteam Member

Just seeing this post made me tear up, I don't usually respond to post, but I'm hoping that you can take something from this that can help. Please go see as many doctors as you can. Get multiple opinions, no doctor should judge you for a condition you can't control, or else they're not a good one. I've lived with this for 7 years and at first it was bad. I would get them in my groin, armpits, face. One was so big in the back of my head it's permanently warped my head. I didn't sleep for 4 days straight until I passed out from all the pain and was taken to the emergency to have it drained. I've steered away from any intimate situation that came my way out of embarrassment. After visiting a couple of doctors and testing multiple treatments I've gotten my conditioning from severe to mild. I still have flare-ups, but they heal much faster than before. I had tunnels all over my body. I'd shower twice a day along with a disinfection spray mixed with with 99% alcohol and aloe Vera. I was prescribed a antibiotic cream that I would apply twice a day religiously, even after the abscesses was healed. I don't know if it will help your situation but please don't do it anything else that will make things worse. HS required a complete lifestyle change for me to get it under control. It's hard, very hard and sometimes it may feel like nothing works, but I was persistent in seeking out doctors and others with the conditions and I can say now that it's manageable. So don't give up. My thoughts and prayers are with you from a fellow HS sufferer.

April 25, 2023
A myHSteam Member

I have had HS for 50 years. It is a disease. Yes it is embarrassing but you need to get on a good anti-depressant and there are medications that can help. Find a Derm who actually knows what they are doing and can help you. You are not alone!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

February 15, 2024

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