Any Experience With HS After Major Weight Loss?
Hi! I’ve had HS for around 4 years and in December I will be having gastric sleeve surgery. I know it’s not completely related, but has anyone had an experience of losing a lot of weight and an affect this could have on hidradenitis?
You are correct. Whenever you have a flare-up, try acidic foods to counter such as pickles, olives, or vinegar gummies.
I was overweight when I was first diagnosed with HS. I then ate cleanly for around 2 years and lost around 40lbs. During this time I had gotten my flare ups down to one every 3 months which was the best it's ever been. Now I'm at a healthy weight and can eat more to maintain it, but now I'm having non stop flare ups unfortunately. I personally thinks it's mainly eating cleanly that will help and weight loss is a secondary result of that
I just had this surgery oct 13th how about I got musical packings inside it’s not bad as I thought but how about I got 14staples between my legs and I never felt greater cus I’m happy finally the flare ups cut out from the root always tell them cut it out from the root get it all out
I had HS before my gastric bypass surgery and still have it after a 120 pound weight loss. My old friend, HS, did not care about my weight loss
I lost over a 100 pounds
What's One Misconception Would You Like To Talk With Everyone About Having HS?
HS Secondary Symptoms 'HS Flu'
I Live In Glendale AZ And Would Like A Recommendation For A Physician With Extensive Experience In Treating This Condition.