Have Y'all Had Surgery For HS?
Hi! 👋 More of a curious question than anything. I've had 2 definite HS surgeries (bikini line and breast) plus I had a pilonidal cyst removed in 2006 (apparently HS can cause those too?). Definitely needed for me.
I as well had a pilondal cyst removed
I've had many surgeries, and I'm not too bothered by HS now, but my son just had a deroifing surgery, and in his teens he had skin graft surgery underneath his arms. He is in the 3rd stage.😔
Skin graft
I was offered surgery under each arm. However my dermatologist felt like the healing process was way too long. And he was afraid 😱 the cyst would come back. Since menopause n lupus every cyst I had lanced 20 plus years ago. Has refilled with pus. SMDH
Has Any Had A BBL Done That Had HS?
In The Area Of Your HS What Kind Of Soap Do You Use? Tea Tree Oil Based Or Acne Cleansers (like Neutrogena Or Cetaphil)? Other?
Are You A Monster Or Something?