Even When You’re HS Is It Flaring Up Can You Still Feel Like A Lump Under Your Arm Or Wherever You Have A HS? Like It Never Goes Away
I have HS under both my arm pits.
When my under arms flare up it feels like a hard painful lump & I can still feel it when I’m not flaring up. Just went down basically
I have lumps and bumps that go dormant and will flare up again.
Yes. Scarring and deep tunnels definitely hurt!! Even though there's no breakthrough.
I think its all scare tissue from them bursting or being cut on various times.
Me too! They never seem to away!
A New Skin Coloured Lump Underneath Open But Healing Abscess...
Did Anyone Develop HS After Covid Shot Or Have A Really Bad Flare?
Just Wanting Ideas On What Others Use For Flares?