How Does The Cold Affect Your HS?
I don't see a difference when I'm in warm or cold weather but that's just me. I also don't sweat like other people. Drs don't know why either...
There are multiple factors with many reasons for each individual. Me personally, my was forced by extreme anxiety & stress into stage 3. This took my insulin resistance out of control all after 20 years of being in control. For me, cooler temperatures help heal my inflamed skin, allows my body to breathe in a 68-72 degree winter warmed house in a tee and jeans and not have my body stress itself. Some people react to the intake of foods, most is unseen stress for us and unknowingly depending on “our hot spots” our body temperature is already increasing due to inflammation. Cooler temperatures and areas for me tend to work best to keep my body temperature down, my stress level lowers a tad and a bonus is my metabolism speeds up a tiny bit. Little wins for the cooler months here!!
I have to wear dry wick material and really watch sugar, dairy carbs ect intake.
I love the cold. I don't sweat like in the summer, so I don't have as many flare ups of the big, painful, nasty kind. I still have the smaller ones, though, but I can deal with those no problem.
The weather doesn’t affect me… stress definitely does. HS is awful
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