Would At Home Laser Hair Removal Be A Good Option For HS?
I have not tried at home laser however I have started laser hair removal at a cosmetic clinic (sometimes they offer discounts for people with have HS, mine does 50% off - it’s worth the ask)
I have only done 1 treatment so far and it has done me good I look forward to see results down the road! My tech told me the doing over an active flare can be helpful because it could help minimize bacteria in the sore, not sure if it’s true but I haven’t had a flare since I started.
I would definitely recommend it! I still have some flare ups but no where near as bad as I used to get
Hair Removal On Legs, Under Arms?
Hey, What You Guys Think Is HS Friendly When It Comes To Hair Removal.
Groin Flare And Hair Removal