Do The Lesions Ever Go Away Completely…. Even With Medication I Still Have Flare Ups And Some Of My Lesions Never Go Away
Unfortunately no. The remains of the lesions will always be there whether it's scarred , bruising or skin discoloration. Even after the lesions have closed completely. It is a lifelong condition. What I have found is that depression And stress has the worst effect on my flares. Over the winter I was incredibly depressed and everything seemed like a crisis. And I was in a flare that lasted almost three months. And then I found something positive to hold on to and i'm out of the flair and things that normally would trigger my flares due to stress aren't as bad. I still have lesions that leak and scar , but the other symptoms see much more manageable. So if there's anything you can find that brings you a little bit of joy. A smile on your face hold on to it and make that your talisman. Make that your point of strength it's hard but worth it.
What’s The Longest Flare You’ve Ever Had?
Laser Treatments.
Anyone Got Any Remedies For A Major Flare Up