Has Anyone Had Success Controlling Their HS By Getting Treated By A Naturopath Dr? What Was The Treatment?
I have my first dermatologist appointment next week. But I'm also interested in hearing what a naturopathic Dr would suggest for treatment. I did find one that specializes in skin. Want to hear others' experiences with ND's.
There is no cure , we have to live with it for the rest of our life . I've had it for over 40 years and it's getting worse . Stay away from dairy products, smoking and sugar, because that's what makes it flair up.try to live a normal life and my prayers go out to you
No, there is no cure. Only products that keeps it from fairing up and some medication.
I don't believe this condition can be treated by a Naturopath.
I have not seen one for HS, but have gone to one for other issues in the past. I think it’s good to have as many helpful tools in your toolbox as possible. I think it’s worth a try to see if any help can be found from that direction. Best of luck to you ❤️
Thank you for your response Jimmie.
Has Anyone Had Success Controlling Their HS With Dietary Changes Alone?
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