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Looking Back With Your Experience Now What Do You Wish You Had Known Or Done When You Were In The Early Stages? Thank You.

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭

My daughter is in stage 1 and had recently had a flare in her armpit which she needed antibiotics for. I want to be proactive at helping her manage her condition. We have got hibiscrub to wash her underarms with when needed and I have advised her to only shave if really necessary and then to use a fresh razor every time. Can I be doing anything else?

posted March 25
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A myHSteam Member

For me, it probably wouldn't have made a difference. Because the only solution back then was surgery. And because I continually got new boils in new locations, it didn't seem like a viable option. However, I think the best advice is to keep talking about it to Dr.s, even though it's so embarrassing. Because in my case, I had a really bad case that went to REALLY BAD over the last 2-3 years. And in those years, new medications had been approved to treat it (!!!) and I didn't know. I only went back to the Dr. and talked about it because my condition got so bad that I was ready to go for surgery. Because I am crippled by it. But had I known 2 years ago there was pharmaceutical hope, I would have cried with joy. As it stands, I'm only 4 weeks into treatment, without improvement. But I am hopeful for the first time in 10 years.

posted April 11
A myHSteam Member

I would've tried the laser hair removal route first. Can't say it would've helped, but you wouldnt need to shave anymore. I cant do it now because of constant flares. That was a really good question!!

posted April 5
A myHSteam Member

😁 find me a good surgeon 🧑‍⚕️ and get it removed asap before it ends up looking 👀 like this 👇👇 and yes 🙌 it was a small hard spot when it started and the useless doctors 🥼 just kept giving me antibiotics 🤔 but I had it removed by a surgeon 🧑‍⚕️ great man he is 😁

posted April 1
A myHSteam Member

Aloe Vera Oil. It may help. It did for my under arms.

posted March 25

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