What Pain Medication Have People With This Disease Used That Really Works? Also How Often Was It Given To You ?
Cortisone shots. Not sure how often. When my Dermie saw how much pain I was in on certain days she recommends them.
Only Percocet. But my state has made it nearly impossible to have that prescribed now. So I am in constant pain. When it gets REALLY unbearable, I take an omeprazole, 2 Aleve, and 3 Tylenol. And that still only takes the edge off. It does NOT kill the pain. Back in the day before I learned that only Percocet would work, I was taking up to 20 Advil a day, and it did NOTHING. At this point I think I'm so used to living in constant pain that "just pain" is acceptable. Though my attention span and work productivity have steadily declined.
Has Anyone Found Something That Really Works For You?
What Pain Medications Are You Prescribed And How Often?