Any Tips On Bandaging Flare Ups While Allergic To Band-aid Adhesives?
I’ve tried lots of brands (Australia) and some irritate my skin less but I cant keep something covered for more than a few days without raw and painful skin. My flare ups are usually in my groin as well which makes things more awkward to cover. Thank you!! <3
Omg my arms are another color bow from all the reacting to the tape. Hate tape!
I just read somewhere that blister bandages and or treatments for blister could help...? Just throwing out ideas
I'm not sure the adhesive you are specifically allergic to, but I also have skin sensitivity. After years of trial and error (still going on), I settled on Curad 2x3 non-adherent pads both with and without adhesive (depending on the area that needs coverage). I also have a large area on my upper inner thigh. I use a combination of bandages and cover with HEALQ 4x4 (actually 6x6) dressings. They don't quite fit the area, so I try to use Curad Arm & Hammer gauze and/or the non-adhesive pads around the edges. It's not perfect, but it's helpful. The HEALQ bandages are much less irritating to my skin. However, I also currently have a boil that opened into a crater (like I can stick my fingertip into it and it really hurts and is so gross) deep up in the crevice where my torso meets my thigh. The only success I've had for that is a folded paper towel to catch the pus. It's obnoxious because it falls out of my pants sometimes and I don't realize. To be found by those around me or I catch it myself. Luckily I work from home, because if this happened in the office (and it would) I would die.
If you're allergic to band-aid adhesives, here are some tips that might help with bandaging HS flare-ups:
1. **Use Hypoallergenic Tape**: Look for paper tape or other hypoallergenic options that are less likely to cause skin irritation
2. **Consider Non-Adhesive Dressings**: Opt for dressings that do not require adhesive Show Full Answer
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