Hi, Just Wondering If Anyone Has Used HidraWear, Hibiclens, Tea Tree Oil, Or Monistat Chafing Relief Powder Gel? Any Tips Or Opinions? Ty.
I’ve ordered these from Amazon to help my brother but I’m not totally sure how to use them or if they will help at all. Please let me know your thoughts or anything else you may have tried for your HS. Thank you!
Yes, I’ve used Hidrawear. It’s the best product I’ve ever got to bandage my HS. The bandages are super comfortable and never ever stick to my wounds. It’s very beneficial for healing and drainage. It is pricey but 100% worth it. #gamechanger
I tried the hidrawear for my armpits, I loved the concept, unfortunately none of the pharmacies could get the stock in to continue use with the pads.
Hibiscrub also used on alternate days with octenisan as per dermatologist, but great for cleaning away all the bad germs on the surface , but does have a little sting on open wounds, no more than soap would though. X
Hello! Here's some information on the products you mentioned, based on user experiences shared on myHSteam:
1. **HidraWear**: This is a line of HS-specific clothing that includes garments with special pockets and fasteners for disposable dressings. Users find the crop top particularly helpful for managing HS lesions around Show Full Answer
@A myHSteam Member I was told the same from my dermatologist, so on the opposite days he’s given me octenisan.x
I use hibiclens (hibiscrub in UK) but only on alternate days, because I find that it dries the skin. I use a baby soft sponge, apply a little to a wet sponge and squeeze to lather up, so it can be sued like shower gel/soap. Apply it to wet skin.
On the other days I use a gentle soap - such as tee tree or honey.
Good Evening. Hi Lady's What Kind Of Soap You Used For Your Private Parts????
How To Prevent The Smell
Is There Any Over The Counter Oral/tropical Medication And Body Wash That You Can Use For HS?