Is It Possible For HS To Cause An Abscess On Your Eyelid Area. Has Anyone Had That Before?
I was diagnosed with HS over a year ago now and I get abscess in the usually places armpits, etc. But today I woke up with what feels like one on my eye. I had one before that they had to cut open on my eye but I don't know if this is HS related or not.
It is considered atypical for HS to occur in locations without apocrine glands, such as the face and eyelids. It is possible but uncommon to develop HS on the face; facial symptoms may also be caused by a separate skin condition. If you're experiencing symptoms on your eyelid, it's important to consult with a healthcare Show Full Answer
Does Anyone Know If You Can Get HS Behind Your Ears?!
Have Any Women Fou D Relief From HS After Going Through Menopause?
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