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Hi Everyone Can Anyone Give Advice I Have Tunneling In Groin Area Do I Need Surgery To Remove Them As Nothink Else Works

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭
posted June 24
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A myHSteam Member

I have now had 5 surgeries in the groin for the same reason, it removed the tunnels in the spot they did and has not returned there however there is always the risk of another spot happening but if you are on or can get on a good preventative treatment then I highly recommend the deroofing and proper wound care, I use nanosalv post surgery and it has definitely cut my healing time in half. Hope this helps 😊

posted June 29
A myHSteam Member

I need to quit smoking as well.

posted June 27
A myHSteam Member

I had the surgery and it wasn't bad at all sore yeah but it work. Those tunnels will keep coming u will be better having them removed. Another thing no dairy, chocolate, keep your Alc low if u are diabetes, weight control.. best of luck j.

posted June 26
A myHSteam Member

Thanks for info ain't had much help with thos doctors been useless so there's a chance to remove tunnels with put surgery I'm willing to try new stuff but I'm beginning to feel like the tunneling will need surgery as medication just seems to keep it at bay a little then the tunnels start inflaming again soon as my medication runs out I just took doxy for 3 mths didn't seem to help much I do smoke thow to think I need to stop that to

posted June 25
A myHSteam Member

I was diagnosed with Stage 2 HS in the groin area and was recommended medication, including Humira, and surgery. After reading "The Hidden Plague: A Field Guide for Surviving and Overcoming Hidradenitis Suppurativa," I decided to try a healthier lifestyle approach rather than solely relying on medication. I'm aware that this approach might not work for everyone, but for me, combining the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) elimination diet with my prescribed medications did wonders. I take Doxycycline TA 100 mg, one tablet daily, and Spiractin 25 mg, two tablets daily. Currently, my groin area is fully healed. I recommend trying the AIP elimination diet (if you haven't already) and any medications your doctor prescribes. #I only noticed that the healing process started after I started my AIP diet, before that I did take two months of medication but it only kept getting worst.

posted June 24

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