How Do You Get HS To Drain QUICKLY??
I'm a strong woman, but this is ridiculous. After one massive one finally drained under my right arm, another one started forming up under a flap of skin from previous HS... it's been 3 days tops and its at least 8x bigger. This one doesn't want to drain 😳 like... yet again, I cannot lay on my right side. i can barely move my arm. And to make things worse, this thing is putting pressure on my nerves to the point where my arm is going numb and the pain is making me shake. I haven't been able to… read more
I have the same problem with most of mine it’s like my skin is really fat and won’t let it come all the way out usually heat area but don’t work for me antibiotics sometimes do or heat humidity weather and bam 💥 grossly annoying leaking at the worst time. Some of them I have to get lanced when they are not getting better and pressing nerves in my thighs it’s horrible. I wish you the best. Oh and by luck my ivig infusion cleared up a horrible summer flare last week I was amazed my skin everywhere else is smoother also. I am not prescribed ivig for hs but I will take the win
When dealing with hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) and wanting to drain a boil quickly, here are some tips based on the knowledge base:
- Gentle Pressure: If there is a head on the boil, you can apply gentle downward pressure around the edges to see if it will drain. However, if it doesn't drain easily, stop to avoid causing Show Full Answer
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Flare Up
Just Wanting Ideas On What Others Use For Flares?