What Should I Avoid To Prevent HS Flare Ups?
Hibiclens every day! Even between flare ups. Tea tree oil and Prid ointment. It is a pain and draining ointment. I put Prid on a boil after washing it with the Hibiclens and cover it with a dressing in the morning. Then before bed I take the dressing off, clean it again and leave it open to air.
Thank you for the advice, and info. To clarify the ointment name is it pronounced prid or pride?
It's Prid.
To help prevent HS flare-ups, consider avoiding the following:
- Dairy Products: They can cause inflammation
- Nightshade Vegetables, Gluten, Legumes, Sugars: These foods have the potential to be inflammatory agents.
- Heat and Humidity: Hot, humid weather can worsen symptoms.
- Stress: Stress can trigger flare-ups.
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