Anyone Personally Have HS With Kidney Or Liver Problems?
I am 40. I've had type 2 diabetes since I was a teenager. Because it wasn't well managed, it damaged my kidneys. I'm now on dialysis with stage 5 kidney disease. I also have psoriasis as well as H.S. I did read somewhere that it is common to have more than 1 autoimmune disease. I honestly feel that my poor management of my diabetes is the root cause of it all. Since I've drastically changed my diet I'm already seeing improvements with my overall health and my psoriasis and h.s. symptoms are starting to subside.
@A myHSteam Member. I’m sorry to hear that. I didn’t want to get on diabetic drugs. Now look. I’m not that bad yet and 67 but headed there if I dont turn it around. I totally quit all alcohol and I did t drink much but some people sensitive to it. You probably had hemacromatosis from being celtic which damages the liver and alcohol and sugar puts it in fast forward to destruction. Your ferritin levels probably 1,000. Normal less than 150. But liver disease raises ferritin too. Then the ferritin excess and other destructive forces within the liver makes it a downward spiral. Hard to reverse unless catch it early and most doctors don’t check for all the blood markers. They missed mine completely. I still have some hope. I still have normal liver enzymes but I’m tinged orange and have liver scarring.
@MariestellaAuguon. I believe the same thing and had same thing happen. It’s from liver damage. The liver controls almost everything in the body. I’ve done a lot of research on this. Our standard America diet causes much damage before symptoms even happen that are not reversible it was not an issue in previous generations because they were so active working gardens and doing hard labor. They didn’t have hydrogenated fat, maltodextrin, msg, excess salt from dining out because they seldom did etc.
I have signs of liver and kidney diease
I think I’ve been in denial and scared but finally brave enough to amit and seek help to do further testing because I’ve been ashamed because I caused all this to happen I’m a recovering drug addict clean for 5 years but struggle with alcohol I tell myself I only drink a couple days a week but I when I drink I don’t know when to stop
HS And UTI’s
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