Hi Everyone, Is There Anyone Who Have Tried The Carnivore Diet To See If It Helps?
I'm in remission on keto......that's mainly meat, veggies and dairy
Yolandie I believe totally that what you put in your mouth directly affects your general health, and for me it directly affects my HS. So you may be interested in knowing that if you feel sugar is your trigger, did you know that carbs (potatoes, rices, breads and pasta) all turn into sugar when your body is processing them. So if you could cut them out for 2 weeks, it's possible that's whats still affecting your HS. I realize not all of us are affected by diet, and carbs are hard to quit. I grew up eating carbs at every meal! I literally have no HS. I tend to cheat alot because I love chocolate and carbs, but because I stick to it all the time, I am able to have a little and not get a lesion.....and if I eat too much, the lesion is gone in no time. It would be interesting if you could cut out the carbs for 2 weeks and see if it makes a difference. So I am very routine, so as an example of what I eat daily......breakfast I have bacon and cheese (eggs are ok, but not my fav)....lunch I have a salad, and dinner I have meat and salad. I don't worry about the carbs in the dressings etc! Ask any questions, I'd love to help you get rid of your HS!
Thanks for your reply Bonnie. It seems to me that this illness is linked to what we eat and maybe how the things we eat spikes out blood sugar. I had a sore that started forming a few days ago. I got it to go away by just eating animal based products. I noticed more than a year ago that sugar was a trigger for me but I am still trying to establish which other foods are triggers for me specifically. I am planning on doing an elimination diet to find out.
Just Curious
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