Nearing The End Of A 2 Week Course Of Cipro. New Lesion Today. Is It Just Not Working?
I feel like the initial areas that were flaring before the Cipro were doing better, and then a large spot showed up on my thigh. My dermatologist didn’t mention whether this was probable. She gave me doxy at first, but it made me so sick regardless of food that she took me off that in two days.
I’ve never done antibiotics for my HS before this, but I am really sensitive to them. My doctor mentioned Humira in case this doesn’t work, and because of how intense my HS has been in the past, I… read more
It's understandable to feel concerned when a new lesion appears while on antibiotics. Here are some key points based on my knowledge base:
- Antibiotics for HS: Antibiotics like doxycycline and ciprofloxacin (Cipro) are commonly prescribed for HS to manage infections. However, they may not always prevent new lesions from Show Full Answer
Are There Actual Specialists For HS? How Do You Find One? And If You Do, Have Folks Found It To Be Worth It?
How Do I Deal With A Lesion That Hasn't Closed And Keeps Leaking For Over 2 Weeks? 🫣
I’d Like To Know If Anybody Has Found Ways To Prevent And Deal With Flareups, This Is All New To Me This Year