Does Anyone Have A History Of HS Or Tunneling On Their Face Or Lower Chin Area? Wondering If That's What It Is Vs Hormonal Acne.
Not tunneling... yet, but I do have a spot on my face, my chin, and a few on my neck.
Yes under my chin. I have had numerous steroid shots to keep them at bay.
Yep, mine are mainly jaw line
I've have reoccurring ones in several places on my face, more frequently my chin.
Yes, hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) can occur on the face, although it is less common than in other areas. Here are some key points to help differentiate HS from hormonal acne:
- HS Symptoms on the Face
- Small pitted blackheads, often appearing in pairs.
- Painful pea-sized lumps on the skin.
- Swelling and pus Show Full Answer
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Does Anyone Have Severe HS Lesions With Tunneling On Their Face?