Does Anyone Have Experience With MediHoney?
I ordered some and now I’m a bit unsure of how to use it or when it’s appropriate. I am allergic to adhesive, which is my other concern. Does it stain clothing?
I use it on open wounds; my wound care nurse recommended it. Basically I just take a bit, put it on the wound, and cover it with a bandage. I use Medipore tape to hold bandages in place. I'm very sensitive to adhesives on medical tapes but that brand doesn't bother my skin.
Many people with hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) have shared their experiences with using Manuka honey, including MediHoney. Here are some insights from my knowledge base:
- Healing Open Wounds: Some members found that applying Manuka honey on Band-Aids helped their open wounds heal almost overnight
- Preventing Flare-Ups: Show Full Answer
Thank you so much!
What Do Y’all Put On Open And/or Closed Wounds?
I've Used Santyl And Medihoney, Medihoney Worked Best, You Can Also Get Medihoney Bandages. I Have HS
Hi! What Are You Putting On Your HS Lesions, As Far As Ointments So Wound Won’t Stick To Bandage?