Anyone Know Wat To Use For Itching Started To And Me Crazy An Skin Is So Sore An Constantly Itching I Have To Scratch To No Skin On
Vagasil Anti-Itch Wipes!!!!! You can use them all over your body. And they really work wonders for me and I hope you try it and they work for you too. Literally within 3 or 4 swipes itching starts to doll down for me. I literally have a pack on me no matter where I go. In my car in my bathroom in my bedroom literally it's with me everywhere I go.
Itching from hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) can be very bothersome. Here are some options to explore for relief:
- Antihistamine Creams: Products like Benadryl and Preparation H can help
- Hydrocortisone: A steroid that reduces inflammation and itching. Available over-the-counter or by prescription.
- Pramoxine: Found in Show Full Answer
Take antihistamines and wash with dermol x
I've heard chamomile is good but I've not tried it
God knows why x
Having Bath With Cold Or Warm Water Will Have What Effect On HS Lesions.
Does HA Leads To Any Type Of CANCER ??
What Can I Do About The Itching? It Is The Worst In The Groin Area.