Y Do They Appear Massively Big & Bruised . & When Drained It's Nothing But Blood Or Chunks Or Clots Of Blood? Areas In The Inner Thighs..
Yes, I have some lesions that bleed when they open (bright red blood vs the usual pink mixture of blood and pus). When I mentioned this to my doctor, she asked if I could be bleeding from my vagina rather than the HS. No, it's just the HS. I hate this disease!
Does Anybody Else Get HS Bruising With Swelling
What Do You Guys Do About The Sites That Open And Become Ulcers? I’ve Been Wound Caring For Them. Wound Wash, Bandage Etc
With The Recurring Boils Around Inner Area Near My Vajajay It's Hurts Lots Of Pain Even With Neosporin With Lidocaine And A Band Aid.