Does Anyone Have A Good Deodorant Or Alternative For Under Arms? I Hate Smelling Of 'infection' Even After A Thorough HS Attending Shower???
try a bit 9f viniger in your washer to take the smell away. it dosent make your clothes smell like vinegar. distilled white viniger for taking the smell and help disinfect you clothes.
Finding a good deodorant or alternative for HS can be tricky, but here are some suggestions from my knowledge base:
1. Deodorants: Many with HS recommend aluminum-free options like Native, Kiss My Face, or Pretty Frank. Solid sticks like Dove or Arrid are also popular for being gentle.
2. Antibacterial Soap: Washing with Show Full Answer
What Kind Of Deodorants Do You Use? Do You Find That Using Deodorant Makes HS Flare-ups Worse?
Just Cerious On How People Put Deodorant On Or What They Use
I’m New To HS And Def Feel Alone And Have No Idea What I Need To Do. Can I Wear Deodorant? I Haven’t Wore Any Since I Was Diagnosed