Members of myHSteam often search for over-the-counter products to help manage their hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) symptoms.
“Has anyone tried My Magic Healer products for drainage?” one member asked. Another replied, “My Magic Healer is amazing. Drainage is down. Pain is down. And I am walking better each day.” However, not everyone has had success. One member said, “My son has My Magic Healer and unfortunately it has not made any difference to his HS.”
Before you try any treatment option, it’s important to understand what it is and how it might work for you. If you’re considering My Magic Healer, here’s what you need to know.
My Magic Healer is a salve marketed to relieve flares caused by a variety of health conditions. The company makes several varieties of My Magic Healer salve, with two versions specifically for HS:
The company recommends cleaning the flare area with witch hazel and then applying the salve to the lesion. You can then cover it with cotton gauze. Reapply the salve twice a day until your symptoms improve.
The manufacturer claims it’s safe for use on all areas of the skin during HS flare-ups, including the breasts and groin. But it’s important to keep in mind that this product is considered a home remedy, and hasn’t been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for safety or effectiveness. Check with your doctor or dermatologist before using this product or any other home remedies.
Researchers have not yet studied My Magic Healer to see if it works for treating HS flares or other skin conditions. However, some studies have looked at the individual ingredients in the salves.
Beeswax, also called cera alba, is made by bees. It’s believed to have antimicrobial properties, which means it may help reduce the growth of bacteria on your skin. Beeswax also contains vitamin A, which can promote faster healing when applied to damaged skin. Beeswax may also help reduce inflammation on the skin. However, most studies have focused on beeswax’s effect on skin in general, not specifically on people diagnosed with HS.
Propolis is a substance bees use to build hives. Research shows it can calm inflammation and has antimicrobial properties. It may also help the body produce collagen, which can help wounds heal. Because of these benefits, propolis has been used by people with HS.
Olive oil (also known as olea europaea) has been shown to reduce inflammation and promote wound healing in some people when applied to the skin. However, its topical application hasn’t been specifically studied in people with HS. Research on olive oil and HS has focused on its effects when consumed as a food product. Olive oil has been found to reduce inflammation in people with HS when consumed as part of a Mediterranean diet.
Grape seed oil, or vitis vinifera, has been used in ointments and other natural products for several thousand years. Applying grape leaves to the skin has been shown to reduce inflammation and bacteria. Grape seed oil has been found to help hydrate and improve skin elasticity, but there has been limited research on its use for skin conditions like HS.
Egg yolk extract, also known as ovi albumen extract, may act as an antibacterial agent when applied to the skin. One study found it may help prevent pores from clogging. However, its use hasn’t been widely studied in people with HS.
Lavender oil (lavandula angustifolia) is believed to promote wound healing and reduce inflammation when applied to the skin. However, it hasn’t been studied specifically in people with HS.
Any medication, whether it’s a home remedy or prescription, can have side effects. Some ingredients in My Magic Healer may irritate your skin. For instance, people allergic to bee products may not tolerate propolis or beeswax. Others may find that its oils clog their pores or cause irritation.
“I've been using a body wash with lavender, and I noticed that every time I use it on my HS — especially the last time — it makes it SO much more inflamed,” one myHSteam member shared.
If you notice any skin irritation or new nodules forming after using My Magic Healer, stop using it and contact your dermatologist. Also, watch for signs of an allergic reaction, such as rashes (allergic contact dermatitis), burning, or itching. If you’re using another topical treatment for your HS, ask your doctor whether it’s safe to combine that with My Magic Healer.
If you’re looking for over-the-counter products that can help your HS, talk to your dermatologist. You may see recommendations for all sorts of products online, from coconut oil to toothpaste, but it’s important to talk with an expert about what is safe and effective for you.
If you or a loved one is living with HS, consider joining myHSteam today. Here, more than 46,000 members from around the world come together to ask questions, offer support and advice, and connect with others who understand life with hidradenitis suppurativa.
Do you use My Magic Healer or other natural remedies to manage skin flare-ups? Has it helped with skin healing or reduced your abscesses? Share your experience in the comments below or start a conversation by posting on your Activities page.
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When HS is at its erupting stage I've used, paper tape or cloth tape right over the topic holds the erupting area down less pain leave it on for a few days than remove, my body absorbed the infection… read more
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