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Soaps And Anti-Itching Creams

A myHSteam Member asked a question πŸ’­
Washington, AR

What is the best medicine to use on HS when it comes down to controlling the itching and burning of HS lesions? Also, is what types of soaps can be used in cleaning HS?

June 24, 2023
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A myHSteam Member

I avoid soap if I can. I found an acne based mask etc with salicylic acid in has helped. I also use Dettol within my baths which I have every other day.

July 1, 2023
A myHSteam Member

I'm not using ANY prescription medications.
After using the things I found did NOT help, I stopped them.
Somewhere I'd read that Tea Tree Oil acts as antibacterial and helps skin be healthy.
So I got JΔ€SΓ–N TEA TREE BODY WASH and SKYORGANICS WITCH HAZEL/TEA TREE FACIAL TONER (yes, gentle and I use it on my face too).

I'm currently breakout free with NO lesions.

For my showers, I wet my HS-prone spots, apply the JΔ€SΓ–N TT BODYWASH, and leave it in my creases while I wash everywhere else (hair too). Rinse the creases last.
Then while patting towel-dry, I stand in front of a small clip-on fan in my bathroom, to thoroughly dry my HS-prone spots (could use a blow-dryer on cool, but that takes an extra hand).
Then, MORNING & NIGHT, whether I have an outbreak or NOT- I either spritz on the SKYORGANICS WITCH HAZEL/ TEA TREE FACIAL TONER directly on my trouble spots, or spray it on a cotton facial pad & gently dab it on them.
On the now-rare occasions I DO have a breakout, I use DMSO cream directly on the painful area. Gently tapped on using a finger cot (fingers cut off from vinyl med gloves; buy a box, it's cheaper). Make sure the affected skin is clean and clear of other cream or lotion- DMSO is a carrier, it can cross the skin barrier and take other substances with it. I have had itchy irritation when I already had a cream on then added the DMSO- but not when I was careful to clean the skin first.
DMSO helps the skin to corral the bacteria, force it to surface so it can OPEN & DRAIN. (The O in DMSO is Oxygen, same as in Hydrogen PerOXide, which kills bacteria) Lightly cover it with a nonstick pad (monthlies work great for me).
It gives the painful area a feeling of slight cooling relief, and pustules will open & drain WITHIN TWO DAYS.
Once healed, I use my TT regimen.

The TT products you may find in your grocery, drugstore or in a Health Food store (in the skin care aisle). If not, you can find them and the DMSO Cream in the big online store that starts with A.

I hope this info helps you find relief. πŸ…πŸ‡πŸ¦πŸ¦‹πŸžπŸ¦—πŸ€πŸŽ‹πŸ€žπŸ§¦πŸ§’πŸͺ™πŸ’πŸ“ΏπŸ•―

August 12, 2023
A myHSteam Member
October 19, 2023
A myHSteam Member

Please never mix bleach with anything especially Epsom salts they can cause skin burns and nauseating fumes that can cause you to pass out especially if you add hot water in the mix.

October 15, 2023
A myHSteam Member

I say epson salt baths with a cap full of bleach helps me EVERYTIME and for itching I was useing Vaseline plan or coco butter it helped

October 14, 2023

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