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Does Anyone Know What I Can Do To Close Open Wounds? Also Stop Pus?

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭
Cleveland, OH
May 2
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A myHSteam Member

To manage open wounds and reduce pus associated with hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), here are some steps you can follow:

1. **Dressing Surgical Wounds**: Apply an ointment as recommended by your doctor, such as a prescription antibiotic ointment or a protective ointment like Vaseline, to keep the area from drying out. Use Show Full Answer

To manage open wounds and reduce pus associated with hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), here are some steps you can follow:

1. **Dressing Surgical Wounds**: Apply an ointment as recommended by your doctor, such as a prescription antibiotic ointment or a protective ointment like Vaseline, to keep the area from drying out. Use non-stick, non-adhering dressings to cover the wound, which can be cut to fit the size of the wound.

2. **Bandage Open Wounds**: Keep the wound bandaged as much as possible to protect it and absorb any discharge. This helps in preventing the spread of infection and also keeps your clothes clean.

3. **Home Care**: Your doctor or nurse will instruct you on how to properly dress and care for open lesions at home. Follow their directions consistently to help with healing and prevent infections.

4. **Warm Compresses**: Applying a warm, wet compress can help reduce swelling and ease pain. Keep the compress on for about 10 minutes at a time.

5. **Consult Your Doctor**: Always check with your doctor before taking new medications or applying new topical treatments. They might suggest specific treatments to help manage pus and promote wound healing.

It's important to follow these steps under the guidance of your healthcare provider to ensure proper care and avoid complications.

May 2

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