Tips For Preventing A Flare When You Feel It Coming?
@A myHSteam Member I can’t bath right now because I got a deroofing done 😢
REST and warm baths and pat dry well
Hi, I’ve had HS for about 25 years. I have tried everything under the sun to help lessen my flair ups. I mainly have flair ups in my groin area which can make it very difficult and painful to walk.
I am happy to report I have not had a flair up in 15 months. This is what I am doing to keep the flair ups away.
1. I had certain bumps that would constantly come back, drain, never completely heal and then return again. I started applying heat to these areas (I had to do one at a time because of the soreness). I’m sure you can use almost any safe heat source but I chose to use the “hot hands” product. I could wear it under my clothes, the heat lasted for many hours and it did not become too hot. I continued to use heat until the infection was all out and the drainage was blood only. I would then disinfect the area and apply a band aid temporarily.
2. Since my flare ups are mainly in my groin area, I had to make a decision to stop wearing underwear. It created constant friction in the area and would almost always irritate my skin.
3. I started taking luke warm baths daily vs showers. This was a big adjustment for me because I loved my showers. Once I started with my baths, I could almost immediately tell a difference in my skin.
I honestly believe making these 3 changes is the reason I have not had a flare up in 15 months. I pray this information will help others. 🙏🏻
Much love XO ❤️
I keep to a healthy routine including vitamins, regular doctor visits, no dairy, no alcohol, no caffeine, no soda, no processed foods, no smoking, no sugar, no white flour, no yeast products, daily meditation,,gardening, stand-up desk for computer, I try to identify sources of stress and eliminate them, comfy clothing, 8 hours of sleep. I do my best. 🙏
Lots of rest helps me, as well as finding ways to reduce stress
I’d Like To Know If Anybody Has Found Ways To Prevent And Deal With Flareups, This Is All New To Me This Year
Hi Everyone. Does Anyone Have Any Go To Creams To Help The Skin Recover After A Flare, To Improve Scarring And Skin Integrity? Thanks Debbie
Anyone Got Any Remedies For A Major Flare Up