Why Do I Think That Cinnamon Roll I Ate Caused A Flare? And I Kept Eating Them. Sometimes I’m My Worst Enemy. Idk For Sure But It Flared
The morning after.
I've given up all of my favorite foods. I now eat only chicken and broccoli as a baseline, and if I eat anything else, I watch closely for changes in flare situations. I follow the AIP diet, except for cigarettes and beer. One time I ate half a package of bacon, and the next day, flares were very severe. I have a lean beef steak now and then, and have put many other vegetables in the mix (cauliflower, carrots, onions..no nightshades..). The worst part about it, is when I've followed the protocol and 'science' well, and still get a new flareup. It kind of throws the whole 'science' under the bus, as far as diet being the trigger.
So true i know fried foods and sugar is bad with hs but sometimes I just want a whole carvel ice cream cake 🎂
i think it helps us to feel like we have any sense of control over this shitty thing we have to deal with. it implies that if we can just do everything right this will go away.
Could be sugar or maybe you have a gluten allergy cinnamon by its self is suppose to be good for diabetics I'm also a type 2 diabetic Dr said cinnamon alone is good for you but if your a heart patient as well to take it easy cause it is a natural blood thinners like garlic as well. They make this powder called vagisil I use it to keep dry baby powder has cancer risk my opinion I don't think it has any relation cause several of the woman use it in my family and has never a had cancer and I've been using it since I was a baby and I'm almost 36 and I get checked all the time I think it's what's in there body already. But I stopped taking it cause to me vagisil works way better and smells nicer . Plus with baby powder when you sweat it makes like these little powder sweat balls and the vagisil doesn't. So try that 😁 p. S just telling you what I know have a great day
When you say flares you mean ? Like your body inch alot ? Cause i know everything i eat ! My body has a rection to it and i think it has something to do with my diabetes
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List Of All Elements That Can Trigger The Flare
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