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Hello Does Anyone Have Experience With Humira?

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭

My dermatologist keeps insisting I try humira but I'm honestly terrified to try it.

posted June 24
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A myHSteam Member

Let me start by saying I'm sorry that you are having to go through this hell that we HS suffers have to DEAL with I have taken humira for rite at two years and at first it did help and i was so thankful because i thought there were no more options for me my derm did not pressure me to try it she did just the opposite she told we would save it for a last resort so after two years with her and every thing we tried nothing worked so i told her lets try this humira and she educated greatly (she is awesome)for a year and a bit a noticed improvement laa tho it never went away but there was improvement and no side effects and slowly it stoped working i thought i was out of options and she brought up Remicide infusions on my paper work it is refered to as kemo therapy and yes that got my attention but I have been doing that for a year now and yes there is improvement but i still get flares and ive got some flares that seem to never go away ive had them forever it seems i dont want to be long winded but try and not be nervous and try to stay strong my new HS sister and remember your HS family is here when you need us and i see Ms Fatima responded to your question she is awesome she is my buddy now met her on here a year or so ago on this site when i thought i was the only one dealing with this monster they call HS I have met alot of wonderful and beautiful people through this site and now you so keep fighting and always try and stay strong because you are not alone

posted June 27
A myHSteam Member

Aww I'm sorry that happened! And that's exactly what I'm afraid of those horrible side effects!

posted June 26
A myHSteam Member

Thanks! That helps a bit , I know how each person reacts to it is different but I'm praying good or even decent results for me lol

posted June 25
A myHSteam Member

Did it cause any additional problems? How long did it take you to realize it wasn't working?

posted June 24
A myHSteam Member

Hello there! I took Humira for a month and developed bad nerve pain and leg cramps -I had to stop the treatment. Also some insurance will not cover the expensive cost of just one pen. It was a thousand dollars! It works for some but then you really have to think about the side effects. I hope you can try it and that it works for you.

posted June 26

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