HS And Cancer Go Together? Or Should The One Study That Was Done Be Taken With A Grain Of Salt? Also Life Expectancy?
Has anyone with moderate to severe HS ever been diagnosed with cancer that was likely caused by HS? Unfortunately there’s not much info online other than we are 2-4x more likely than someone without HS to get cancer. Also is the life expectancy wrongly stated at 60.5? Thank you in advance!
Not fun at all, I have a diet I follow, and right now have had no HS for 1 month, let me know if you are interested!
My diet is very similar to keto.....I went on it, and my HS went away....So no sweets or sugars, no carbs (they turn into sugars when your body is processing them, no processed foods, no dairy, no alcohol. It's really not as bad as it sounds, sure is great to not have HS! Hope you can try!! Hugs
I haven't been diagnosed with cancer, but I'm gonna qualify that with a "...yet...", because I have germline Li-Fraumeni syndrome. I've asked my geneticist about the possible correlation. Her tentative response has been that (in my specific circumstance) it's something definitely to consider, but - much like HS and LFS/LFL individually - there is more data that needs to be learned/uncovered to make a solid general assessment.
Hey I have been living with HS since age 12. Now I’m almost 62. Two years ago I was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin Follicular Lymphoma- which I’ve probably had a few years before it was found No worries Michael….. seems like cancer is prominent these days. Runs on both sides of my family ….. my HS is my Daily Struggle.
Me too
Advice For Lifestyle Changes For HS And Diabetes? Any Resources Recommendations? Where Do I Start To Make It Consistent?
Did Anyone Develop HS After Covid Shot Or Have A Really Bad Flare?
Is There A Link Between Hidradenitis Supprativa & Angioedema