Is There Any Over The Counter Oral/tropical Medication And Body Wash That You Can Use For HS?
I use baking soda scrubs to relieve the pain and it really seems to help.
I use Cetaphil soap (gentle on your skin) for bathing all over and Manuka honey at night on the lesion and tea tree oil in the daytime. Hope this helps 😁
I normally use dye free antiseptic skin cleanser on the part of my body that is flared up at the time and it helps my bumps go down faster
I also use monistat care chaffing relief powder gel to reduce moisture under my breasts and inner thighs.
My doctor has me bathing with hibeclense antibacterial/antimicrobial soap and muiprocin 1% ointment for breakouts.
Just Wanting Ideas On What Others Use For Flares?
Anyone Else Have Oral And Topical Antibiotics But Still Have Open Draining Cysts For More Than 5+ Months? #somuchpain
How Do You Guys Deal With The Pain Of Cleaning Open Wounds?