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Does Anyone Know If Anyone Or Anyplace Is Working On A Cure??

A myHSteam Member asked a question 💭
posted July 15
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A myHSteam Member

Hi Shane! The thing with scientific research into anything is it is extremely slow going, as it takes exploration, discovery, and testing and retesting of that discovery before it can be vetted to be shared as a working theory or fact. Even more is put into the testing of new drugs. HS has gotten more attention in recent years prompting more studying, but i personally feel like research that will further treatments in the leaps and bounds all of us deperately wish it would move is probably still a bit off. However, I have seen these two articles published in 2023 and 2024 where researchers think they have narrowed down the genome location of how this condition is passed down, which opens up possibilities of exploring either being able to pinpoint prepubecent children that have a high chance of developing it in order to intervene with treatment and management early on, or working on ways to alter the gene to eliminate it. Also, in 2024, studies officially shifted the percentage of young adults with HS from 1% to 4%, which doesn't sound like much, but the more people identified and diagnosed, the more pressure it put on research to continue to look into ways to manage, treat, and possibly cure this in the future. I included the links to both if you are interested!

Researchers Discover Genetic Locations for Increased Risk of Hidradenitis Suppurativa | Newsroom
Researchers Discover Genetic Locations for Increased Risk of Hidradenitis Suppurativa | Newsroom
Study uncovers higher prevalence of hidradenitis suppurativa in young Finns
Study uncovers higher prevalence of hidradenitis suppurativa in young Finns
posted July 15 (edited)
A myHSteam Member

Shane I don't know how you find out if research is being done on HS???? I constantly feel like none is being done see new people on here and same story as 30 yrs ago......Dr's don't know what you have, don't know how to treat it, tell you you need better hygiene, stop smoking.... etc. I have told my Dr I am willing to do any clinical trials or tests years ago, but never heard a word. I think when they do research, it will be hard to find a cure because different things work differently on all of us, so hard to find a common cure??? We can hope though!

posted July 15
A myHSteam Member

Use the product called My Magic Healer. I am spreading the word. Its a miracle and will change your life. My HS is not 100% gone but its beyter than it was and I have 0% pain and that's a win for me!!!

posted July 18
A myHSteam Member

Researchers are actively working on finding more effective treatments for hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) through clinical trials. These trials aim to:

- Determine the safety and effectiveness of new medications.
- Identify the best dosages for existing or new medications.
- Compare new treatments with existing ones to se... read more

Researchers are actively working on finding more effective treatments for hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) through clinical trials. These trials aim to:

- Determine the safety and effectiveness of new medications.
- Identify the best dosages for existing or new medications.
- Compare new treatments with existing ones to see if they cause fewer side effects.
- Help people who haven’t responded to other treatment options.

You can look for studies on or ask your health care provider about any trials that might be a good fit.

 This AI-generated response comes from myHSteam and other selected sources. It is not a substitute for medical advice. Always ask your doctor about specific health concerns.

Clinical Trials for HS: 6 Facts To Know | myHSteam
Managing Hidradenitis Suppurativa at Work | myHSteam
posted July 15
A myHSteam Member

A lot of great information! Thank you! I’ll definitely be reading your sources.

posted July 18

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